Principal Message
This is really a matter of proud privilege for me to share my views to all. B.B.S. has completed successful nine years in the academic realm with an enormous performance in each dimension of education
The purpose of education is to prepare integrated men & women ,who are free of fear & to help them to discover true value & attain self awareness. In this scenario, our school aim at the integral, personal formation of the young ones. To accomplish this, special efforts are made to help the students to become mature & encourage them continuously to strive for excellence in every field.
Great care has been taken in the formation of moral character by instilling in the students a deep sense of moral, social & cultural values; such as hard work, truthfulness, honesty, love, compassion, generosity, tolerance & patience.
We strive to make learning more creative & joyful at the same time, by not just restricting our-selves into the limitations of text books but by allowing young minds to explore & experiments. Developing a positive attitude, creating an atmosphere of reasoning & understanding, inculcating idea of self discipline are the salient feature of education process at B.B.S.